Dr. Long

Focuses on:

Elizabeth Long

Dr. Long is a licensed neuropsychologist who completed her graduate training at the University of Cincinnati, followed by internship at the John Dingell VA hospital. From there, she went on to complete a fellowship in pediatric neuropsychology at Akron Children’s Hospital. She is a member of the Ohio Psychological Society.

Intrigued by brain-behavior relationships, Dr. Long’s practice is dedicated to helping people perform their best in work, at school, and in every aspect of life. She has experience working with individuals across the lifespan. She frequently works with students from elementary school through college to overcome barriers to academic success and has experience in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of learning, autism spectrum, mood, and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity disorders. Dr. Long specializes in neuropsychological functioning related to medical conditions such as concussion, moderate/severe traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, stroke, cancer, infection, and perinatal complications. She is inspired by the resiliency she sees in her clients and genuinely enjoys contributing to their better understanding of themselves.

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