Live your best life

At Kent Psychological Associates, we provide meaningful counseling and group therapy services to adults, children, couples and families. We help you find the peace of mind you’ve been seeking, whether that’s working through chronic pain, life transitions or relationship challenges. We all have aspects about our life that we want to change. Working with the right therapist will help you tackle the challenges and bring meaningful change to your life.

Our approach to treatment is highly collaborative. We place an emphasis on communication, goal setting and giving you the tools needed to succeed. We view each client-therapist relationship as a partnership to help you reach your goals. We know that as the treatment progresses, it’s important to remain flexible and constantly evaluate how we are making progress.

Bring Meaningful Change to Your Life

The world is recognizing just how important mental health is to our overall health and wellness. Partnering with an experienced and dedicated mental health professional has numerous benefits, including our understanding of the biopsychosocial model. We recognize that your physical health, social environment, and personal history impact your wellbeing. When necessary, we work collaboratively with your medical providers to address any medical issues you may be experiencing.

As one of the largest independent practices in the area, our 20 independently licensed care providers offer a broad range of therapy and testing services, including family, couples, and group therapy. By offering numerous specialties under one roof, we are well equipped to meet your mental health needs.

Mental Health and Your Well-Being