Dr. Kane

Focuses on:

Cathy C. Kane

Dr. Cathy Kane has had the privilege of providing therapy for adults and couples for almost 25 years. She has extensive experience in helping people who are struggling with depression, anxiety/panic, bipolar disorder and personality concerns. Dr. Kane enjoys working with women and men as they grapple with life transitions such as: career and college adjustment, divorce, relationship changes, health issues, and gay/lesbian/bisexual concerns. She is inspired by her clients dealing with aging, retirement, and grief and loss issues. Dr. Kane has special interest in empowering women as they confront the challenges of multiple roles, eating issues, codependency, and abuse.

Dr. Kane is grateful for her family, her pets, her good friends, and for the opportunity to work with so many courageous people over the years.

Click on the link below to access your scheduled telehealth appointment with Dr. Cathy Kane

Doxy Waiting Room

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